How much does a replacement or reprogrammed ‘plug and play’ ECU / ECM cost?

Note: A high quality vin matched replacement ECU / ECU is typically $600 less than dealer installed parts.

Testing an Alternator

Your alternator might be working, but it may not be working at max efficiency. This video explains how to test your car’s alternator using a multimeter. Signs of bad alternator can include dim interior lights and headlights, a weak sound when starting the vehicle, and car that dies when sitting overnight. Set your mulitmeter to DC voltage. Keep enjoying the excellent dialogue and camera views.

The battery is ground zero for the test. When starting the car, the multimeter should show a desired voltage. Over 14.7 volts means that the alternator is overcharging the battery. The test looks good, and the alternator is charging at right around 14.2. This is a good test, and once again why investing in a multimeter is a good idea. Not a lot of people invest in one, but keep watching these video series and you’ll find a host of reasons to out and buy one.

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