Everyone will be approached, sooner or later, buy someone in the parking lot claiming to have the magic formula on how to make your headlights look like the day you drove off the dealership lot. The only thing is he or she has a bottle of spray (and a single rag). They’re usually looking to…
Things to Check Before Buying a Used Car
There are millions of cars on the road, which means they call can’t all be new. So, if you’re looking to buy a new car, make sure you understand in your mind that a used car isn’t a new car. It may be new to you, but someone else may have driven it over 200,000…
Places Where Unsold Cars Are Wasting Away
Millions of cars in the world are manufactured each year. It seems like there’s a new or used car lot on every corner in America. Any day of any moment car salespersons are hustling trying to make that next sale. So, what happens to the millions of cars in inventory that simply don’t get sold?…
Top New Vehicles Making Their Debut in 2017
2017 is just around the corner, and there are some hot vehicles ready to make their debut. #1: Toyota Prius. #2: Chevy Bolt. #3: Ford GT. #4: Volvo XC90. #5: Telsa Model X. #6: Toyota Supra. There are more that you’ll find in the video. If you’re up for a new vehicle, there are a…
Buying a Decent Vehicle with No Credit or Bad Credit
Not everyone has A-1 credit, and it can affect where you live, work, and play. Faulty credit can also affect your purchasing power. There’s a lot of good information if you can make it past the chatter. #1. Run your credit report at least three months before you decide to buy a vehicle. Just keep…
Tips to Increase Your Gas Mileage
Regardless of the vehicle you drive, there are ways to increase your gas mileage and get as much bang for your hard-earned buck as possible. If your vehicle is electric, you can of course pass on the tips. #1. Carbon can build up on the air control valve and spark plug. This saps gas mileage….
How to Repair a Deep Scratch on Your Vehicle
Scratches in a vehicle’s paint job are annoying to look at and can be expensive to repair. Another bad thing about scratches is they expose your vehicle to rust. Don’t worry, help is on the way. You don’t always have to take your vehicle to the shop to get that deep scratch taken care of….
Seriously Oversized Trucking Loads
While it’s hard to tell what’s being towed, you know these trucks are towing some serious tonnage. It looks like the load engineers are working overtime on these loads. Have you ever thought of what happens to the pavement when this much weight is hauled? At 2:10, there’s another heavy load being pulled. What’s in…
Road Rage – Is It Worth It?
Overlook the graphic language and observe how some people completely lose it and allow road rage to take over. If it ever happens to you and you’re on the receiving end, think, before you act. Your life could depend on it. In the first frame, an angry man breaks out the window of a driver,…
More Strange Videos of Weird People on the Road
Okay, this first frame is funny. A woman’s car is parked right beside a puddle of water. Somehow, it appears that she avoided the puddle exiting her car, but she decides to take a leaping jump over the puddle to get back into her—but falls on her rear end in the attempt. Smart! Why not…