Near Misses Compilation

The first scene looks like a movie, or a short take, is being filmed. The car comes flying over the hill and nearly misses the people standing on the right side of the road. Lucky for them the driver maintained control. People don’t always pay attention behind the wheel and that’s a given. In the…

Car Jumps Gone Bad

Somewhere in the US, a vehicle tries to take a ramp and jump over at least eight cars. It doesn’t make it, and the crash is spectacular. One always wonders if the driver walked away in one piece. Check out the mud ramp jump. Their car catapults straight ahead, lands on the engine, and then…

Idiot Truck Driver Fails

The video opens with a truck navigating a flooded road/small bridge. I’m betting that road consistently floods. The truck makes it. The other two vehicles aren’t so lucky. A truck completely collapses through a makeshift bride on the second compilation. Okay, there are planks laid out across wood! Shouldn’t that set off an alarm? In…