How much does a replacement or reprogrammed ‘plug and play’ ECU / ECM cost?

Note: A high quality vin matched replacement ECU / ECU is typically $600 less than dealer installed parts.

1947 Willys Jeep vs John Deere Gator

Fred Williams from Dirt Every Day compares two vehicles on different ends of the 4×4 off road spectrum: a classic 1947 Willys Jeep vs a John Deere Gator. It is an off road battle between old and new in this video with stunt drivers pushing each one to the limit.

However, they do much more than just test their off road performance. Dirt Every Day compares utility features, weight, fuel consumption, comfort and more. The video features great commentary on each model’s strengths and weaknesses as the ideal off road vehicle. Not surprisingly, the Jeep held up well under the conditions and still earns respect decades after its initial design.

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