If you’ve ever heard of the Mandela effect, it’s when someone has a clear memory of something that never happened in reality. Logos help in the creation of brand identity, and this is true for the product whatever it happens to be. Logos are meant to inspire a message, a feeling. Some inspire trust, admiration, and immediate recognition. The most effective logos are simple and easy to remember.
Manufacturers want them to be memorable, appropriate, timeless, and versatile. Having said that there is something strange that seems to happen with respect to logos, and it’s called the Mandela Effect. People can be around vehicles, and notice a change that seems like it has always been. Or, they can work around vehicles all their life, and never be able to notice a change that is right there in front of their eyes. Check out the video and see if you can relate to or make sense of what the host is trying to convey.