If you live long enough, you’re sure to see some strange things in the world?
How about a jeep being destroyed when the owners have had enough, and just can’t take the car repairs and breakdowns anymore?
While the maintenance problems are in no way typical of Jeeps, this Jeep had lemon written all over it from the time it was driven off the dealer’s parking lot. The owners went through the paces of trying to get it repaired, replaced, or to get a refund to no avail.
Australia doesn’t have lemon laws so there was no recourse in sight.
Here’s the Jeeps history: nine issues and several additional breakdowns all in a 14-month period.
On a serious note, that’s enough to make anyone want to destroy their vehicle, regardless of the make or model.
The interior is gutted, windows are smashed, sledge hammers are taken to the dash, an archer uses it for target practice, and it’s finally demolished by a Hitachi RDF21. The owner says the demolition was done to raise awareness for a review of Australia’s Consumer Law.
Check out the video. You can never make the claim that a Jeep isn’t durable when all the smoke settles.