How much does a replacement or reprogrammed ‘plug and play’ ECU / ECM cost?

Note: A high quality vin matched replacement ECU / ECU is typically $600 less than dealer installed parts.

Dodge Truck Maintenance: 10 Easy Tips

Truck owners know best that a vehicle is more than just transportation. They not only get you where you need to go but they also give you the ability to haul and move large objects. Every truck owner knows the joys of owning a truck. Trucks give you the opportunity to go off-roading, for more fun, and are a necessary tool for a lot of workers.

Your truck is not only a financial investment but a time investment as well. Our list will provide you with simple and fast ways you can provide that care with little effort. This leaves much more time to spend enjoying that swimming pool you made in the bed.

Caring for your truck doesn’t have to take a lot of time or cost a lot of hard-earned cash. However, it’s important to care for your investment as best you can. There are a few simple ways you can ensure your Dodge truck remains the steadfast and reliant beast you need. The following list provides tips you’ve likely never thought of doing on your own before and will ensure your Dodge PCM truck provides safe and reliable service for years to come.

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