How much does a replacement or reprogrammed ‘plug and play’ ECU / ECM cost?

Note: A high quality vin matched replacement ECU / ECU is typically $600 less than dealer installed parts.

Epic Car Chases in Movies

The best movies all have the same plots, and the guy usually gets the girl, or vice versa. However, some of the most memorable movies have car chase scenes that movie goers will never forget. #1. The French Connection. This was real; no police, no permits, and no warning to the public. They only had one chance to get it right. #2. Golden Eye. Everybody loves Bond. Here’s a tank that runs through everything; some things were unplanned. #3.

Ronin. Three hundred stunt drivers were used to shoot all the exciting and dangerous scenes. The scenes were shot on the actual streets of France. #4. Fast and Furious 6. There’s nothing but action in this film…serious driving action. #5. The Rock. Cars go flying down hilly, San Francisco, streets in chases that make your stomach turn. It’s a million-dollar chase as cars are demolished at every opportunity. There’s more. You’ll love this video, and it’s sure to bring back some memories.