How much does a replacement or reprogrammed ‘plug and play’ ECU / ECM cost?

Note: A high quality vin matched replacement ECU / ECU is typically $600 less than dealer installed parts.

High Speed Drift Crash Spinning out of Control

This video takes drifting to the next level. The car in the front was burning serious rubber, which could have blocked the driver’s vision in the back. It’s not so much the crash that people are looking to see, but the drift. They say that drifting was born in the 1990s on the winding mountains of Japan. However, drifting is nothing new. If your car’s rear end has ever swung around out of control for at least 50 feet, you’ve experienced drifting. Spin out occurred in this manner, or, you recovered from the drift and you kept moving. So, modern drifting is really about being out of control—but in control.

Tires are always getting more effective due to advancing technology. The goal in racing is usually to avoid as little drift as possible. Even with today’s tires, that can virtually grip a vertical wall, it takes incredible skill not to drift without abruptly spinning out of control. Check out the video.