How much does a replacement or reprogrammed ‘plug and play’ ECU / ECM cost?

Note: A high quality vin matched replacement ECU / ECU is typically $600 less than dealer installed parts.

Idiot Truck Driver Fails

The video opens with a truck navigating a flooded road/small bridge. I’m betting that road consistently floods. The truck makes it. The other two vehicles aren’t so lucky. A truck completely collapses through a makeshift bride on the second compilation. Okay, there are planks laid out across wood! Shouldn’t that set off an alarm? In the third compilation, a truck completely takes out an overhead beam of some sort. That’s the kind of truck you always want to give at least a football length.

Okay, around the fifth compilation a construction truck has its hauling bed extended. If you’re wondering what the driver was on, you’re not alone. You’re also not alone if you’re wondering why the driver on the truck’s left side was driving right beside the truck. And why didn’t anyone stop this flag this truck coming in either direction. Be on the outlook. Accidents will happen—but sometimes people allow them to happen. Check out the compilations.