How much does a replacement or reprogrammed ‘plug and play’ ECU / ECM cost?

Note: A high quality vin matched replacement ECU / ECU is typically $600 less than dealer installed parts.

Is It Safe To Park Under an Overpass During a Hailstorm?

There is no doubt that you might be driving on the road while in a thunderstorm in the spring and summer. As Dennis Mersereau suggests, it’s not the best idea to park under an overpass during the storm.1258

If there’s a tornado, then the winds can tend to move faster as they travel through an overpass. You might be one of the lucky ones who doesn’t get blown away or hit with debris, but it’s not worth the risk of staying under an overpass when there are other options.

When you see that hail is starting to hit your car, you might also consider an overpass as the best option. This idea isn’t the best one because it can create a traffic jam. Once a few people begin stopping under the bridge in order to protect their cars, others will stop as well. These cars aren’t protected by the overpass, so there’s really no reason to stop as the cars are more susceptible to damage if they are left in the open.

If there is a traffic jam, then emergency personnel won’t be able to get to an accident if there is one on the road. It might not seem bright, but the best thing to do is pull off to an open area, such as a parking lot, and wait for the storm to pass through the area.

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