How much does a replacement or reprogrammed ‘plug and play’ ECU / ECM cost?

Note: A high quality vin matched replacement ECU / ECU is typically $600 less than dealer installed parts.

Near Misses – People Vs. Wild Drivers

This one has been circulating for a while, but it’s always interesting to revisit. Anyone of us likely sees these types of near misses every day. Luckily, we’re here to share or tell the story. The pedestrian is lucky in the first frame. Alert as well. He barely makes it out of the way of a rear-end-collision.0:12: Here’s a lucky man indeed, and it’s total negligence on his behalf. The train barely misses him as it screams down the track. Observe the puzzled look on his face. Zero reflexes.

0:37: A man is spared standing by the fuel pump as a truck veers out of control. It’s interesting to contrast those with quick reflexes, and those who seem to freeze in their tracks. 0:48: while not a vehicle related near miss, it’s obvious what just happened to the soldier who got his hat shot off. 1:00: A woman walks her child across the street and a car misses them by mere fractions of an inch. The takeaway: drive defensively, and walk defensively. Your thoughts?