You may have heard about street racing in Phoenix. All types of cars and personalities come out to compete for fun in the sun. Competing vehicles range from Honda Civics (big turbo) to twin turbo Pontiac GTOs, to Civic turbos and Nissan 240Xs. Nope! The host doesn’t want to be identified. He blurred himself out of view. License plates are blurred as well. It’s nighttime, dark, and things have the potential of getting out of hand. As the old saying goes, “Don’t try this at home.”
Of course, it’s tough to know which cars are racing and who came out on top of the heat. You might say that street racing is the real world of “The Fast and Furious.” People will do it regardless of the risks. Hopefully, it’s not in a school zone or on a highly traveled road. Safety should always be a top priority because accidents can be fatal and legal ramifications can be serious.