How much does a replacement or reprogrammed ‘plug and play’ ECU / ECM cost?

Note: A high quality vin matched replacement ECU / ECU is typically $600 less than dealer installed parts.

Stolen Jeep Dash Cam – High Speed Chase & Crash

Sometimes, videos can reveal disturbing things and desperate things about people.

The following video shows footage of a Jeep being hijacked at gunpoint. The thieves had no idea there was a dash cam in the Jeep. The whole incident was captured from start to finish.

Here’s the follow up.

The “911” call is a bit irritating because you can almost sense the frustration of the man being asked questions by the 911 dispatcher. On the other hand, can you imagine anyone being relatively so calm? It seems to go on forever. Where’s the dispatcher at? Is there any one of you who wouldn’t be crawling the walls by now?

The owner tells the dispatcher that the thieves have his laptop, computer, everything! At one point, the cops are finally in hot pursuit and the thieves accelerate. Then, the crash! You’re probably wondering how in the world the thieves thought they could pull it off.

The theft lasts for about thirteen minutes. If there is a positive side to all of this, it’s that payback is a “dog.” You also get the impression that this Jeep offers a smooth ride.

Check out the video. It will make you shake your head.

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