How much does a replacement or reprogrammed ‘plug and play’ ECU / ECM cost?

Note: A high quality vin matched replacement ECU / ECU is typically $600 less than dealer installed parts.

The Ultimate Road Rage Compilation

Road rage is bad all over the world, and there are no signs that it’s getting better—anywhere. In the opening frame, a man walks around a car, opens up the trunk of a Volkswagen and pulls out what looks like a four or five iron, then smashes the window of the car behind him. 0:20: Both drives exit their vehicles and a fight starts. Notice that one driver was punched and almost fell into the path of an oncoming truck! 0:56: There’s a lot of rage in this frame.

But listen to the conversation! It looks like the guy on the ground has second thoughts about his assault, but maybe not. 3:15: We get a little British road rage humor in this incident. A guy gets out of his car and chases the camera man who’s annoying him. It ends badly, he trips and falls in an embarrassing moment. The world is a crazy place. Maybe you have your own experiences.