How much does a replacement or reprogrammed ‘plug and play’ ECU / ECM cost?

Note: A high quality vin matched replacement ECU / ECU is typically $600 less than dealer installed parts.

Unlearning Skills from Driving Test

6 Things You Should Unlearn from Your Driving Test

#1. Feeding the wheel is outdated and possibly dangerous. Keeping both hands on the wheel at all time doesn’t make you a safer driver. #2. Applying the handbrake when stopping, a requirement in the UK, is silly and time consuming. Not to mention that you’ll shorten the life of your handbrake. #3. Checking your rear-view mirror (six-point) check when accelerating from a full stop. It defeats the whole purpose of “situational awareness.” #4. Flashing your lights to communicate with another driver. You should only flash your lights to let other drivers know that you are there! #5. Speed is your enemy. Unlearn it because there are times you’ll have to drive at the speed of traffic in the UK. #6. Focusing on driving the speed limit. If your attention is on driving speed, your eye’s aren’t on the road. And that’s never good.