How much does a replacement or reprogrammed ‘plug and play’ ECU / ECM cost?

Note: A high quality vin matched replacement ECU / ECU is typically $600 less than dealer installed parts.

Vehicle Accidents Caused by Animals

Other drivers or adverse road conditions aren’t the only causes of vehicle road accidents. Animals, large or small, can cause a lot of road damage. Check out this video. 0.11 seconds into the video a driver accelerates around the left side of a vehicle that slows down all of a sudden. There should have been a warning light that went off in the driver’s mind. Sure enough, a moose comes out of nowhere and is struck by the vehicle. So, is the scream from the passenger or the moose?

0:23 into the video and a driver is surprised by a deer that suddenly attempts to cross the road at full speed. The driver hits the deer and sends it flying. It’s strange though how far the deer was knocked down the road. Fortunate for the deer, its able to get up and spring away. At :48 into the frame, a moose isn’t so lucky. It strikes a car from out of nowhere and flies into the air, lands, hard, and slides off the side of the road. These are likely roads where such accidents occur regularly in the day. Imagine driving at night!