How much does a replacement or reprogrammed ‘plug and play’ ECU / ECM cost?

Note: A high quality vin matched replacement ECU / ECU is typically $600 less than dealer installed parts.

Worst Car Crashes of 2016

As long as people drive, there are going to be violent car crashes. Something takes over when some people get behind the wheel. In the first frame it’s obvious the motorist is speeding. And there’s no explanation why the car veers out of control. In the second frame a vehicle comes out of nowhere and slams into a parked truck.

The backdrop could be in Russia, but the drivers all over the world have something in common: carelessness. 2:12 into the video, a vehicle crashes into a tree! 2:55 a motorcycle speeds down a busy street without thought as to who might be making a left turn—hidden behind the parked van.

The two young men on the bike are lucky they walked away from the accident. One thing is for sure, 90% of these crashes could have been avoided if someone had been paying attention. Check it out. What’s your opinion?